Canada’s London Drugs Hacked: Why You Should Be Worried After This MASSIVE Pharma Hack

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Canada’s London Drugs has suffered a massive cyberattack, possibly leaving millions of customers exposed. Is your data safe? On Sunday, April 21st, 2024, London Drugs discovered a massive cybersecurity issue. Hackers had infiltrated their internal corporate network, possibly impacting the privacy, confidentiality, and data of millions of pharmaceutical services customers. GoToVan from Vancouver, Canada, CC […]

SPECIAL REPORT: The Future of Democracy and the Erosion of Freedom – Part 6 Preserving Democracy in the Digital Age

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Throughout this series, we’ve traversed a landscape that might seem, at moments, nearly unrecognizable from the democracy we’ve come to cherish—a democracy founded on the principles of freedom, equality, and the unwavering belief in the power of our collective voice. From the rise of authoritarian tendencies to the double-edged sword of digital innovation, we’ve explored […]

Hacking Your Thoughts?! This New Mind Reading Tech Is A Privacy Disaster

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Forget aluminum foil hats, mind-reading technology is here, and it could be peering into your deepest, darkest secrets – is this the future of privacy or a sci-fi nightmare? Imagine someone being able to listen to your every thought, and not just the ones you mutter under your breath while in the grocery store line. […]

Is Waze Safe? Waze Privacy Risks and Dangers

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The convenience offered by apps like Waze comes at a perilous price—one that extends far beyond the saved minutes on your commute. Picture this: you’re navigating the bustling city streets, trusting Waze to guide you through the labyrinth of traffic. Unbeknownst to you, however, a shadowy figure on the other end of the virtual spectrum […]

Unlock the Power of a Proxy Server! Essential Tips and Tricks

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Discover 9 essential tips and tricks to enhance your server security with the use of proxies. Learn how to choose the right type, protocol, and provider for your needs. Understand geolocation targeting, logging policies, rotating vs sticky proxies & more!

10 Easy Cell Phone Security Steps To Keep Secure From Spies

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Stay one step ahead of the spies! Learn 10 easy steps to keep your cell phone secure from prying eyes. From strong passwords and two-factor authentication, to disabling Bluetooth & avoiding public Wi-Fi networks – we’ve got you covered!

5 Life-Saving Tips to Avoid Police Surveillance

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Stay informed and take steps to protect yourself against police surveillance. Learn tips on how to be aware of your surroundings, use technology wisely, secure your home & vehicle from surveillance tactics, stay up-to-date with current laws & regulations, and be vigilant about who you trust.