SPECIAL REPORT: The Future of Democracy and the Erosion of Freedom – Part 6 Preserving Democracy in the Digital Age

digital privacy issues - future of democracy - special report - part six - preserving democracy in the digital age - privacywe

Throughout this series, we’ve traversed a landscape that might seem, at moments, nearly unrecognizable from the democracy we’ve come to cherish—a democracy founded on the principles of freedom, equality, and the unwavering belief in the power of our collective voice. From the rise of authoritarian tendencies to the double-edged sword of digital innovation, we’ve explored […]

SPECIAL REPORT: The Future of Democracy and the Erosion of Freedom – Part 2 Centralized Banking and Digital Currencies

digital privacy issues - future of democracy - special report - part two - centralized banking and digital currencies - privacywe

The push for centralized banking and digital currencies (CBDCs) represent a significant shift in the financial landscape of the twenty-first century. This move, while promising efficiency and security improvements, introduces pivotal considerations regarding control, privacy, and the autonomy of individual economic actors. At the heart of this trend is the desire of central authorities to […]