TunnelVision VPN Hack! Your VPN’s Worst Nightmare

Tunnelvision VPN Hack 2 - privacywe

Imagine you’re browsing the web using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to keep your online activities private, like accessing public Wi-Fi at a trendy coffee shop. And if you’re like me, or at least how I was, you’re not aware of VPN security risks. You think you’re safe, but in reality, your connection could be […]

Big Brother In Your Backseat: Car Privacy, Car Spying Devices, And How To Protect Car Privacy-focused

car privacy - car spying - electric car internet enabled - privacywe

Car privacy is increasingly threatened by car spying devices, which entail the unauthorized gathering of personal information through various technological features embedded in vehicles. This intrusion into our private spaces has severe privacy consequences that extend beyond traditional surveillance methods. Unlike a physical spy, your car silently captures and transmits data, raising concerns about the […]

Shocking Secrets Behind Your Company’s Privacy Policy

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Protect your private information & understand the purpose of a Privacy Policy. Learn who has access to your data, what data is collected/stored, & how you’re notified when changes are made. Get an overview of key points & final thoughts on privacy policies with this article!

10 Must-Have Privacy Protection Tools

cyber attack on computer - privacy protection tools - privacywe

Protect your online privacy with the 10 tools outlined in this article: antivirus software, VPNs, password managers, encrypted messaging apps, firewalls, data encryption software and more. Learn why you should use them and how to choose the right one for your needs.

Burner Phones! Pt-5 ArriveCan App

burner phones part 5 - privacywe

In this short Burner Phones series, we’ll show you how to buy and setup a burner phone and beat the ArriveCan App. By the end, you’ll be a real James Bond burner phone pro. Some of our Canadian watchers have asked about how to use a burner phone with the ArriveCan app. The ArriveCan app […]

Burner Phones! Pt-4 How to Use A Burner Phone

burner phones part 4 - privacywe

In this short series, we’ll show you how to buy and setup a burner phone. By the end, you’ll be a real James Bond burner phone pro. Step one: turn off your regular phone. Leave it at home or place it in a farady bag. Step two: leave your home. Go to a far-away cafe, […]

Burner Phones! Part 3 – How to Buy A Burner Phone

burner phones part 3 - privacywe

In this short series, we’ll show you how to buy and setup a burner phone. By the end, you’ll be a real James Bond burner phone pro. You cannot use your regular phone as a burner phone. The IMEI and IMSI numbers will give away your identity and privacy. [code_snippet id=17]https://youtu.be/xXzd1aAYwc0 Select an electronics retail […]

Burner Phones! Part 2 – IMEI & IMSI Numbers

burner phones part 2 - privacywe

Every mobile device has two very unique numbers, the IMEI and IMSI, to track and identify you and your burner phone no matter where in the world you and are or how hard you try to hide your identity. In this short series we’ll show you how to buy and setup a burner phone. By […]

Burner Phones! Part 1 – What’s A Burner Phone

burner phones part 1 - privacywe

Simply put, a burner phone is typically a cheap, prepaid mobile phone that is used infrequently and with great care, and can then be thrown away when it’s no longer needed or has been compromised. Burner phones, when used correctly, protect the privacy and identity of the owner. They are a safety tool ideal for […]

Burner Phones! Ultimate How To Guide – Privacy Matters

burner phones ultimate guide - privacywe

A burner phone is a smartphone that assures privacy and anonymity, has no saved phonebook, contacts, or other call logs; it won’t be connected to any other phones, devices, wifi, blutooth, or computers. A burner phone won’t be linked to your existing accounts and services either. In addition, your activities on a burner phone are […]