TunnelVision VPN Hack! Your VPN’s Worst Nightmare

Tunnelvision VPN Hack 2 - privacywe

Imagine you’re browsing the web using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to keep your online activities private, like accessing public Wi-Fi at a trendy coffee shop. And if you’re like me, or at least how I was, you’re not aware of VPN security risks. You think you’re safe, but in reality, your connection could be […]

Cell Phone Anonymity: 5 Tips For Cell Phone Privacy

Cell Phone Anonymity - 5 Tips For Cell Phone Privacy - privacywe

The concept of true anonymity might seem like a relic of the past. But when it comes to cell phone anonymity, reclaiming some control over your digital footprint is more important than ever. So, what exactly is cell phone privacy, and why should you care? Put simply, it’s about minimizing the amount of personal data […]

10 Must-Have Privacy Protection Tools

cyber attack on computer - privacy protection tools - privacywe

Protect your online privacy with the 10 tools outlined in this article: antivirus software, VPNs, password managers, encrypted messaging apps, firewalls, data encryption software and more. Learn why you should use them and how to choose the right one for your needs.

ALEXA and GOOGLE HOME Privacy Risks – Here’s What You Need to Know

alexa - google home - privacy risks - privacywe

Discover how Alexa and Google Home work and the privacy risks associated with using them. Learn about third-party access to collected data, incidents of data breaches, and steps you can take to protect your privacy. Take responsibility for your own security with this comprehensive guide!

9 Shocking Ways Your Employer is Monitoring You

boss watching secretary - employer is monitoring you - privacywe

Worried about your employer monitoring your computer use? Discover 9 shocking ways employers track employee computer activity, from tracking keystrokes to analyzing social media posts. Learn how to stay safe while using company-issued devices.

10 Easy Cell Phone Security Steps To Keep Secure From Spies

cell phone security - privacywe

Stay one step ahead of the spies! Learn 10 easy steps to keep your cell phone secure from prying eyes. From strong passwords and two-factor authentication, to disabling Bluetooth & avoiding public Wi-Fi networks – we’ve got you covered!

3 Simple Email Tips From Privacy We

3 easy email privacy tips

Hey there, friends! Today, we are going to talk about something very important – email privacy. Did you know that your emails can sometimes be read by other people? That’s not what we want, right? So, let’s learn about three simple email privacy tips that everyone should use. These tips will help you keep your […]

Why You Shouldn’t Trust DuckDuckGo With Your Privacy Any More

why you should not trust duckduckgo

DuckDuckGo, the privacy search engine, is now facing massive user backlash after security researcher Zach Edwards (twitter.com/thezedwards) found that the browser was allowing Microsoft to track web surfers as part of a secret agreement between the two companies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnFAjFTG-Mo DuckDuckGo (DDG) is an internet search engine that emphasizes protecting searchers’ privacy and avoiding the filter […]