Canada’s London Drugs Hacked: Why You Should Be Worried After This MASSIVE Pharma Hack

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Canada’s London Drugs has suffered a massive cyberattack, possibly leaving millions of customers exposed. Is your data safe? On Sunday, April 21st, 2024, London Drugs discovered a massive cybersecurity issue. Hackers had infiltrated their internal corporate network, possibly impacting the privacy, confidentiality, and data of millions of pharmaceutical services customers. GoToVan from Vancouver, Canada, CC […]

SPECIAL REPORT: The Future of Democracy and the Erosion of Freedom – Part 5 The Criminalization of Political Opposition

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The trend of criminalization of political opposition has become a notable concern in some democratic societies, with allegations often directed towards “liberal” political parties and their approach to handling dissent and opposing viewpoints. This development marks a significant shift from the traditional democratic principle that encourages a wide range of political expressions and the peaceful […]

Hacking Your Thoughts?! This New Mind Reading Tech Is A Privacy Disaster

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Forget aluminum foil hats, mind-reading technology is here, and it could be peering into your deepest, darkest secrets – is this the future of privacy or a sci-fi nightmare? Imagine someone being able to listen to your every thought, and not just the ones you mutter under your breath while in the grocery store line. […]

SPECIAL REPORT: The Future of Democracy and the Erosion of Freedom – Part 1 The Trend Toward Authoritarianism

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In the contemporary conversation of global politics, Western nations stand at a pivotal juncture, where democracy is under threat of authoritarianism, witnessing a pronounced shift in their political landscapes towards ideologies reminiscent of social Marxism, often referred to euphemistically by its critics as a modern interpretation of communism. This movement, characterized by its emphasis on […]