Canada’s London Drugs Hacked: Why You Should Be Worried After This MASSIVE Pharma Hack

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Canada’s London Drugs has suffered a massive cyberattack, possibly leaving millions of customers exposed. Is your data safe? On Sunday, April 21st, 2024, London Drugs discovered a massive cybersecurity issue. Hackers had infiltrated their internal corporate network, possibly impacting the privacy, confidentiality, and data of millions of pharmaceutical services customers. GoToVan from Vancouver, Canada, CC […]

From Prince Harry to Taylor Swift: A Shocking Look at Celebrity Privacy Lawsuits and Protecting Celebrity Privacy

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Navigating the spotlight, particularly when it involves protecting celebrity privacy, can be a complicated feat. Public figures like Taylor Swift, who has recently endured privacy infringements regarding the tracking of her private jet movements, are frequently dragged into the limelight for matters beyond their professional achievements. This incident thrust the challenging issue of celebrity privacy […]

Shocking Secrets Behind Your Company’s Privacy Policy

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Protect your private information & understand the purpose of a Privacy Policy. Learn who has access to your data, what data is collected/stored, & how you’re notified when changes are made. Get an overview of key points & final thoughts on privacy policies with this article!

9 Shocking Ways Your Employer is Monitoring You

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Worried about your employer monitoring your computer use? Discover 9 shocking ways employers track employee computer activity, from tracking keystrokes to analyzing social media posts. Learn how to stay safe while using company-issued devices.

DonutGate: The BatS**t Crazy Story Behind Tim Hortons Massive Privacy Violation

DonutGate The Batsht Crazy Story Behind Tim Hortons Massive Privacy Violation - privacywe

The Canadian government recently exposed Goliath donut franchise “Tim Hortons” for massive violations of consumer privacy. Investigators found that the app was tracking users, minute by minute of every day, collecting data and behaviors even when the app was closed and not being used. The app spied on customers, tracking and watching them at […]