TunnelVision VPN Hack! Your VPN’s Worst Nightmare

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Imagine you’re browsing the web using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to keep your online activities private, like accessing public Wi-Fi at a trendy coffee shop. And if you’re like me, or at least how I was, you’re not aware of VPN security risks. You think you’re safe, but in reality, your connection could be […]

Canada’s London Drugs Hacked: Why You Should Be Worried After This MASSIVE Pharma Hack

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Canada’s London Drugs has suffered a massive cyberattack, possibly leaving millions of customers exposed. Is your data safe? On Sunday, April 21st, 2024, London Drugs discovered a massive cybersecurity issue. Hackers had infiltrated their internal corporate network, possibly impacting the privacy, confidentiality, and data of millions of pharmaceutical services customers. GoToVan from Vancouver, Canada, CC […]

SPECIAL REPORT: The Future of Democracy and the Erosion of Freedom – Part 6 Preserving Democracy in the Digital Age

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Throughout this series, we’ve traversed a landscape that might seem, at moments, nearly unrecognizable from the democracy we’ve come to cherish—a democracy founded on the principles of freedom, equality, and the unwavering belief in the power of our collective voice. From the rise of authoritarian tendencies to the double-edged sword of digital innovation, we’ve explored […]

SPECIAL REPORT: The Future of Democracy and the Erosion of Freedom – Part 5 The Criminalization of Political Opposition

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The trend of criminalization of political opposition has become a notable concern in some democratic societies, with allegations often directed towards “liberal” political parties and their approach to handling dissent and opposing viewpoints. This development marks a significant shift from the traditional democratic principle that encourages a wide range of political expressions and the peaceful […]

SPECIAL REPORT: The Future of Democracy and the Erosion of Freedom – Part 4 Censorship and the Erosion of Freedom of Speech

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In recent years, an array of policies and legislative measures aimed at censorship and restricting freedom of speech has emerged across Western nations, sparking a contentious debate about the balance between ensuring public safety and preserving the fundamental rights enshrined in democratic societies. These policies, while often justified on the grounds of preventing hate speech, […]

SPECIAL REPORT: The Future of Democracy and the Erosion of Freedom – Part 3 Digital ID and Internet Digital ID

digital privacy issues - future of democracy - special report - part three - digital id and internet id - privacywe

The adoption of digital identification (ID) systems, including internet digital IDs, represents a significant shift in how individuals access services, verify their identities, and interact with both governmental and private sectors. This trend towards digital identification is driven by the promise of greater efficiency, security, and convenience in transactions that require proof of identity. However, […]

SPECIAL REPORT: The Future of Democracy and the Erosion of Freedom – Part 2 Centralized Banking and Digital Currencies

digital privacy issues - future of democracy - special report - part two - centralized banking and digital currencies - privacywe

The push for centralized banking and digital currencies (CBDCs) represent a significant shift in the financial landscape of the twenty-first century. This move, while promising efficiency and security improvements, introduces pivotal considerations regarding control, privacy, and the autonomy of individual economic actors. At the heart of this trend is the desire of central authorities to […]

Hacking Your Thoughts?! This New Mind Reading Tech Is A Privacy Disaster

mind reading technology - privacy concerns - privacywe

Forget aluminum foil hats, mind-reading technology is here, and it could be peering into your deepest, darkest secrets – is this the future of privacy or a sci-fi nightmare? Imagine someone being able to listen to your every thought, and not just the ones you mutter under your breath while in the grocery store line. […]

SPECIAL REPORT: The Future of Democracy and the Erosion of Freedom – Part 1 The Trend Toward Authoritarianism

digital privacy issues - future of democracy - special report - part one - the trend towards authoritarianism - privacywe

In the contemporary conversation of global politics, Western nations stand at a pivotal juncture, where democracy is under threat of authoritarianism, witnessing a pronounced shift in their political landscapes towards ideologies reminiscent of social Marxism, often referred to euphemistically by its critics as a modern interpretation of communism. This movement, characterized by its emphasis on […]