Why Privacy Is Important

why privacy is important

Times are changing fast and your privacy and anonymity are at stake! Westernized governments are shifting toward authoritarian ideologies. Governments are demanding greater control over our daily and personal lives. As a result, electronic surveillance is more pervasive and invasive than ever before. https://youtu.be/q4sqQGnjuYw Privacy Is Almost Gone In Canada – Your Country Is Next […]

Nothing To Hide, Nothing To Fear Argument

nothing to hide nothing to fear debunked - privacywe

If You Have Nothing To Hide, You Have Nothing To Fear – Mic Drop Why do privacy opponents always fall back to “if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear?” It’s like some sort of prophetic biblical mic drop for them. “Boom!” End of argument. Or so they think. This illogical jibber-jabber […]

Top 5 Biggest Online Scams To Watch Out For In 2022

top five scams to watch for 2022 - privacywe

Scams. We’re only half-way through 2022 and your privacy is already more at risk than ever before as a spate of new and old online scams are on the rise. While the Internet is a valuable resource of information, great conveniences, and fantastic entertainment, it can also be a major source of potential harm and […]

7 Life Saving Features of the Session Messaging App

7 life saving features of session mobile app - privacywe

The session messaging app is quickly gaining in popularity due to its advanced privacy and anonymity offerings. Privacy with messaging apps is a major issue today. There is no denying the infinite popularity of messaging apps and the fact that they are replacing telephones as a primary means of personal and private communications. Today, we’re […]

10 Terrible Ways Video Games Can Be Used to Violate Your Privacy

10 ways video games violate your privacy - privacy we

There is no denying that video games are the most popular form of entertainment around the world. Privacy is rarely a consideration. According to the Entertainment Software Association, over 66% of households, some two-hundred and eleven million people, in the United States own an electronic gaming device. With new games being released into the market […]

Roe vs Wade: The United States Supreme Court And The Big New Risks To Your Privacy

roe vs wade privacy issues - privacywe

To say the Roe vs Wade abortion argument is a highly charged, controversial and emotionally sensitive issue with severe privacy implications in the United States is a massive understatement. In 1973, the United States Supreme Court ruled in favor of Jane Roe and agreed that anti-abortion laws violated women’s constitutional right to liberty and privacy […]