DonutGate: The BatS**t Crazy Story Behind Tim Hortons Massive Privacy Violation

DonutGate The Batsht Crazy Story Behind Tim Hortons Massive Privacy Violation - privacywe

The Canadian government recently exposed Goliath donut franchise “Tim Hortons” for massive violations of consumer privacy. Investigators found that the app was tracking users, minute by minute of every day, collecting data and behaviors even when the app was closed and not being used. The app spied on customers, tracking and watching them at […]

8 Ways Social Media Networks Can Rob You of Your Privacy

8 ways social media violates your privacy

Privacy is a grey area for social media and social networks. Especially if you use your real name or enjoy expressing yourself without social filters. Most people are blindsided and surprised when they see how much private and personal data social media platforms can harvest and collect. Facebook sees over 500 billion likes every day […]

7 Frightening Ways Websites Are Tracking Your Privacy Right Now

seven frightening ways websites are tracking you - privacywe

In today’s world, websites are used for everything from accessing email to ordering food. However, this also makes it easier for companies to now know more about you than ever before. Websites tracking data put your privacy at risk. While most people may not mind the idea of their data being tracked and analyzed, there […]

Why You Shouldn’t Trust DuckDuckGo With Your Privacy Any More

why you should not trust duckduckgo

DuckDuckGo, the privacy search engine, is now facing massive user backlash after security researcher Zach Edwards ( found that the browser was allowing Microsoft to track web surfers as part of a secret agreement between the two companies. DuckDuckGo (DDG) is an internet search engine that emphasizes protecting searchers’ privacy and avoiding the filter […]